Conference Technology

13 Apr

Conference attendees are getting more out of conferences with technology. Most conferences allow attendees to see online what presentations are available and what exhibitors are participating. At some larger conferences you can plan a schedule of what you want to attend. Exhibitors rent devices that scan attendee badges for lead collection. These technologies are intended to allow attendees and exhibitors to get the most out of their conference investment by an efficient use of time in meeting face to face, asking questions, getting answers and exchanging the latest information. Trying to maximize the benefits of  a conference can involve an exhausting few days for all concerned.

However, imagine the possibilities if you combined an online community with mobile communications to revitalize and effectively extend your conference beyond that precious face to face time. Attendees and exhibitors with their own web access device such as a smart phone, iPad or laptop could do the following before and after the conference and while attending in real time.

  • Plan which presentations to attend
  • Access  schedules on the fly
  • See who is planning to attend a presentation
  • Check in to presentations
  • See who else has checked in to the presentation room
  • Follow  the Twitter feed for the room
  • Communicate with interest groups, exhibitors and presentation attendees
  • See “What’s Hot”; the most popular presentations and exhibits
  • See what people are saying about presentations and exhibits via a Twitter feed
  • Organize an attendee driven round table discussion or break out session
  • See which people have checked in to your booth or exhibit without having to scan show badges

AssociCom plans to extend our online association communities to conferences with mobile conference. We are starting work on this application very soon and we are always interested in your thoughts and what features interest you so please comment below. Thanks.

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